A Prestigious Look In Slim, Laser-Cut Letters and Logos Transform spaces with GemLeaf, our metal face laminate product perfect for customers looking to add stylish branding…
Category Archives: Product 101
Captivate Customers with Precision Crafted Fabricated Metal Signs: A Product Digest
Constructed to Your Specifications Fabricated metal signs create a space for creativity and impact for small and large sign needs. At Gemini, our fabrication capabilities…
A 3 Minute Summary of Gemini’s Injection Molded Plastic Letters
Injection Molded Plastic In A Bite Size Read Our injection molded plastic letters are a defined selection of standard letters commonly used in wayfinding and…
Shaping The Mold: Gemini Cast Metal Letters And Logos
An Overview of Gemini Cast Metal Products Since the mid-1980s, Gemini has been a leading producer of hand-finished cast metal letters and logos. Cast metal…
Six Reasons Why GemTrim™ Flex is the Best Trim Cap in the Industry
Looking for a product that outperforms in tight spots? Turn to Gemini GemTrim™ Flex trim cap, which offers increased flexibility for easier bending and forming….
Gemini’s Basics On Flat Cut Metal
Custom-made metal signage for your next investment At Gemini, our flat cut metal letters and logos accentuate detailed designs, backed by enduring quality and style….